Health insurance information
We are excited to share that the North Carolina UnitedHealthcare (UHC) Community Plan has recently been approved to offer Doula Services as part of their Value-Added Services (VAS) line-up for their members.
In planning for this Community & State’s new Value Add Service (VAS), UHC has considered the 2-1-1 doula model, meaning birthing people who are eligible under their plan will have the opportunity to participate in 2 prenatal visits, 1 labor and delivery visit, and 1 postnatal visit from their preferred doula.
Per the UHC member handbook this specific VAS reads as follows: UnitedHealthcare to provide pregnant members access to culturally appropriate Community-Based Doula Programs for emotional and physical support during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum.
UHC Community Plan provides doula services for their eligible members up to $1200.
UHC will reimburse up a total of $1,200 per patient/per pregnancy for the full 2-1-1 package provided by the doula. It will be up to the doula and patient to determine services provided at each of these visits and patients will be responsible for any portion of the bill that exceeds $1,200.
UnitedHealthcare reimburses the doula directly and not the member.