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The GYROTONIC Method fits the needs of all ages and abilities, from elderly patients recovering from injury, to highly skilled professional athletes.

It is an original and unique movement method that addresses the entire person, opening energy pathways, stimulating the nervous system, increasing range of motion, and improving strength, and movement efficiency. 

With Gyrotonic exercises, each movement flows into the next, allowing the joints to move through a natural range of motion without jarring or compression. These carefully crafted sequences create balance, efficiency, strength and flexibility.

The GYROKINESIS Method is a movement method that addresses the entire body, opening energy pathways, stimulating the nervous system, increasing range of motion and creating functional strength through rhythmic, flowing movement sequences.

Gyrokinesis classes can be adapted to fit anyone's ability. People from all walks of life including accomplished athletes, fitness enthusiasts, senior citizens, and people recovering from an injury or dealing with a disability take Gyrokinesis classes.


By the end of a Gyrokinesis session, one's entire system is awakened and brought into greater balance.

Focus on the breath stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system resulting in a sense of calm, well being and mental clarity.


It is an original and unique method, which coordinates movement, breath and mental focus.

Studio equipment

Gyrotonic & Gyrokinesis

Severe Osteoporosis,
Osteoporosis & Osteopenia Applications

Your Gyrotonic trainer will help you understand the definition, incidence and physiology of Osteoporosis and how to help you prevent osteoporosis fractures and falls using the GYROTONIC® Method.

Your Gyrotonic trainer can also recognize your risks of developing Osteoporosis.

Your trainer can help you read your bone density scan and give you some other basic information such as nutrition and medications.

Gyrotonic and Gyrokinesis for Bones

 The GYROTONIC® Method Applications for Osteoporosis strengthen the whole body, with an emphasis on targeting the area(s) with the condition, which will help you minimize bone loss, falls and fractures, and maximizing strength, balance and bone density.

Pelvic Floor Health
Pre & Post Natal Exercices

Pelvic Floor Health

Pelvic Floor Health Applications is a movement-based class that educates both men and women on pelvic floor maintenance and prevention of all-to-common complications of pelvic functioning. The class is safe and beneficial for those suffering from incontinence, chronic pain, prolapse or prostate issues. Participants will leave with new awareness and understanding of optimum pelvic function, along with concepts of everyday application to promote self-healing.

Pre & Post Natal Applications

Exercising using the GYROTONIC® Method during pregnancy provides the perfect system of support for the prenatal or postpartum woman by relieving lower back strain, fatigue and constipation.

Pregnant women may experience increased blood circulation and oxygen to the body, and improved stamina for the birthing process. Using the GYROTONIC® Method is the ideal way for mothers to prepare the body and mind, and having a strong pelvic floor assists childbirth.


The Gyrotonic trainer's goal is to provide physical awareness, balance, comfort and strength throughout this deeply transformative phase in a woman's life.

The exercises are gentle enough to continue right up until the due date, alleviating varicose veins, incontinence and leg swelling. Postpartum women may recover abdominal strength and toning more rapidly, relieve upper body tension from carrying the baby, and quickly regain strength and energy.

The large circular movements, traction supplied by the weights, and the natural wave motions are very well suited for the ever-changing pregnant body.

The goal in mind - a beautiful pregnancy, a fabulous delivery, and a healthy, supported transition into motherhood.

Labor Doula

Labor Doula

As your doula, I respect you and your choices.

I wish for you to feel heard, educated, dignified and powerful, whether you want to feel in control of the birthing process or have concerns about breastfeeding.

I am a resource for you and your needs.

I am here to help you find your voice, reflect it, and support you in the birth you wish to have, whether it is medicated, unmedicated, or planning for a cesarean section. The more confident you are about the choices you make, the more powerful you feel about your birthing and parenting experience. There is no one right way to be pregnant, labor, birth or parent your child.

I am here to serve you and not steer you.


I believe in you.

I am here for you.

$1200 My Doula Services Description:


  • Free initial in person consultation with you (and your partner/companion).


  • Resources, continuous information and unlimited contact for the duration of your pregnancy via phone/e-mail.


  • 2 prenatal visits in the comfort of your home, including but not limited to: preparation and help defining your birth preferences, discussion of choices in childbirth, possible birth plan, comfort measures and coping methods, risks/benefits of various choices and procedures, and discussion of postpartum adjustment and expectations, give the partner the opportunity to be involved in the process and decisions.

  • On-call 24/7 starting at 38 Weeks.

  • In person Birth Day labor support at your birth place, usually from when labor is active.


  • Immediate postpartum support of 1-2 hours after baby is born, including initial breastfeeding assistance, as necessary.


  • Continuous postpartum support via phone/email.


  • 1 Postpartum follow up visit at your home, including baby feeding support, newborn sleep information, postnatal assessment, overall wellbeing, guidance and referrals, for fathers/partners as well.

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